TiVo AN0100 Wireless N Network Adapter

Posted by Unknown

The TiVo Wireless N Network Adapter creates a high-performance, 802.11n connection between your TiVo DVR and the internet via your wireless home network, so you can enjoy faster downloads of HD movies and TV shows. This next-generation network adaper also features simple push-button set up get you up and running in minutes.

Product Selling >>> TiVo AN0100 Wireless N Network Adapter (Gray)

TiVo's new wireless N adapter is an interesting concept. It is a wireless adapter, however, it appears on your network as a wired adapter. Setting up the device is also unusual. You have 2 options. If your router supports it, you can connect via single push of a button, otherwise, you need to connect the adapter to a PC via the LAN port and access the set up through the address we are all familiar with. Using option 2 is not difficult, and once in the browser you have 2 options, automatically scan for a network or manual setup. Because I do not broadcastt SSID, I utilized manual setup. It supports WPA2 security as well so no issues there. Now, where the issues come in. If, for whatever reason, the adapter loses connectivity with your router, and you live in an area, where others are broadcasting their SSIDs, the adapter wll try to connect to one of those instead of te network selected as part of the original setup. This is also the case for the TiVo G Adapters. Unfortunately unlike the Old TiVo adapters, you cannot simply go into settings and re-attach to your network. With this device (N Adapter) you need to unplug it from your TiVo box, back into your PC and run setup again to register it on your network. This is a pain, from a convnience perspective, and could pose challenging to those not technically inclined. The performance of the adapter is excellent when working as designed. I am still tinkering to determine how to prevent the above events described from occurring.
Product Selling >>> TiVo AN0100 Wireless N Network Adapter (Gray)

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